How Getting Rid Of Your Clothes Can Be A Confidence Booster & How To Do It

Even though a woman’s clothes no longer fit after losing weight, many tend to keep the clothing for those just in case times and are afraid to get rid of them or they keep them as a safety net.

Just in case they have a bloated day, just in case they gain the weight back etc. When it comes down to it..our fat clothes are our security blanket. It can hinder a woman to move forward.


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5 steps in getting rid of your fat clothes and how it’s a confidence booster by doing it.

Step #1

Go to your closet and take a look at all of your clothes. Take a really, really good look at them. I am willing to bet your clothing has 3 categories it can fit into.

Fits Right Now

Will Fit Someday

And the I hope I don’t fit these one day but I’m gonna keep them just in case category.


Step #2

Take all of your clothes out from your closet and your drawers, and spread them across your bed.

Go through each item, one by one. Then try them on. Do they fit? Are they just right? Are there holes in them or stains?

Step #3

Now make 3 piles. 

Fits Right Now Clothing, Will Fit Someday, I hope I don’t ever fit these fat clothes…too big clothing.

Fits Right Now Clothing: Keep all of the clothes that you feel absolutely awesome in them. Keep all the clothes that make you feel absolutely awesome in them. If it doesn’t make you feel at least an 8 out of 10. It’s gone. Even your comfy clothes…get rid of the tattered clothes, stained all of it. You deserve better than that. Show yourself that you do.

If it doesn’t make you feel at least an 8 out of 10. It’s gone. Even your comfy clothes…get rid of the tattered clothes, the stained ones… all of it. You deserve better than that. Show yourself that you do.

Put the clothes that do fit you and you absolutely love back in your closet and drawers. 

Will Fit Someday

Keep it realistic. How many months or years have you been saying that they will fit?

  • Are they outdated?
  • Does it make you despressed?
  • When is the last time you wore it?
  • If it’s sentimental keep it **
  • If and when you DO fit them…will they be outdated?
  • Keep what you love 8/10+…turf the rest

    Hope I don’t end up fitting these.


  • These are the fat clothes. These are the safety nets and the just in case and what if’s. If on the cusp
  • Grab a bag and put them ALL in there. Every single One .
  • GIve it to a friend, give it to good will, get rid of it. NO Savesies.
  • When to get rid of them?
  • The only condition is …if you absolutely love it 8+/10…take it to a seamstress and get them to alter it to your size now. Period.
  • Forget the what if…..what if i don’t lose the weight, what if I get bigger. NO
  • Freeing and frightening.



Step #4

Step #5



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