by bodiesafterbab | Health
The Chat About Drinking Water To Lose Weight Drinking water to lose weight is the very first thing I always talk about to anyone who wants to lose weight. Ladies out there…how many of you ACTUALLY take in enough water per day? How many of you don’t have a clue...
by bodiesafterbab | Uncategorized
How To Stop Overeating How many times have you snacked on food while watching TV or while you are preoccupied doing something else? And then BAM, you’ve finished the plate or bowl and didn’t even realize it. Or think you’re hungry when you’re...
by bodiesafterbab | Confidence
How Getting Rid Of Your Clothes Can Be A Confidence Booster & How To Do It Even though a woman’s clothes no longer fit after losing weight, many tend to keep the clothing for those just in case times and are afraid to get rid of them or they keep them as a...
by bodiesafterbab | Confidence, Purpose
Feeling Unhappy | 5 Steps to Changing Your Life For The Better Years ago, I was feeling unhappy and needed to make a change in my life. I was a single mom and struggling financially. I had a lot going on. I knew I deserved more and better. I decided that enough was...
by bodiesafterbab | Health
How to Make Chocolate at Home With Cocoa Powder In this article, we are in the kitchen! And I’m going to show you how to make chocolate at home with cocoa powder. It’s super easy to make, it’s healthy, satisfies those cravings and can even help in the weight loss...
by bodiesafterbab | Health
Living A Gluten Free Lifestyle Gluten free eating doesn’t have to be disappointing or gross. In this article, I will explain how to live a gluten-free lifestyle. I’ve been eating a gluten-free diet for 11 years. I don’t feel l deprived and have...
by bodiesafterbab | Confidence
What Is Body Shaming? So What exactly is Body Shaming? Body Shaming is when someone puts another person down and how they look….whether they are overweight or skinny or anything about their body in a negative way. We’ve all seen body shaming and fat shaming in one...
by bodiesafterbab | Health
How To Lose Weight Naturally Step #1 You gotta make a decision. I hear so many women wanting to lose weight and wondering how to lose weight naturally. They focus on all kinds of things but the ones who are struggling really need to get back to fundamentals…and...
by bodiesafterbab | Health
How Many Calories Should I Eat to Lose Weight? How Many Calories Should I Eat to Lose Weight? One of the most common and confusing questions from women I hear. Find out the easy way to calculate those calories and get those pounds dropping for good. It’s...