Feeling Unhappy | 5 Steps to Changing Your Life For The Better

Years ago, I was feeling unhappy and needed to make a change in my life. I was a single mom and struggling financially. I had a lot going on. I knew I deserved more and better.

I decided that enough was enough and never realized that such a small thing like a piece of paper would be such a game changer for me.




Here are 5 steps to changing your life for the better

Step #1 – Write it down

Write all the things you DON’T like in your life on the left side of the paper. Be sure to include all categories and aspects of your life: Health, Lifestyle, Relationships, Family, Financial, Work/Business, Mental/Self Growth & Spiritual etc.

For example “I need to lose 25 lbs”..you’d write that on left-handhand side of the paper.

Step #2 – Write a solution

On the right-hand side, write the solution(s) for that issue (don’t think about why you can’t do it or excuses…just write down a solution…as if someone else was looking at it and coming up with solutions). Don’t think …just write.

So…the example of needing to lose 25 lbs. You’d put as a solution. Lose 25 lbs. Adding a date to it makes it more measurable.

Step #3 – List the steps to the solution

Pick one of those items on the list and start listing the steps it will take to get to the solution. Whether it’s 1 step or 10.

Example: I need to clean up my eating, be more active etc.

#4 Work the solution

Work the issue starting on the first step….and go through the steps until it’s resolved. Some issues will take a short time and some longer. Get specific on the steps. So if you need to clean up your eating in the example…you’d go more in depth and detailed in how to do it.

#5 Revisit The List

Revisit the list every few months …or if you are going through a lot of stuff…you may be adding to it often. The important thing …is to get that left side shifted to the right.

When you write these down, it is so much more powerful. You’d be amazed at how fast you can get through them. Some things are a lot more complicated of course, but when you have a focus you can see what you need to work on and what it takes to get there.

Check out my video on YouTube on Feeling Unhappy 

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